Franchisee Entity Policy Status and Compliance Status

How does the rms™ assign a summative evaluation of the entities compliance?

Written By Jonathan Frazier (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 5th, 2025

Table of Contents

Entity Status

The rms™ defines an overall entity status for each account in two different ways, Policy Status and Compliance Staus. This overall status for the entity summarizes all accounts. Rikor Agency definitions for an entity are detailed below. 

Entity Policy Status Definition


One or more required policies have not been verified


All policies are verified and current


One or more policies are expiring within 15 days of the current date


One or more policies have expired or lapsed in coverage
Entity Compliance Status Definition


This customer has not uploaded a certificate of insurance


One or more required coverages are in place but have requirements that have not been met


All required coverages are in place and 100% of requirements have been met