How do I See a List of My Franchisees?

The RMS Tab will give you a list of active franchisees and relevant insurance compliance data

Written By Wade Millward (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 30th, 2025

The RMS Franchisee tab shows all active franchisees in the system, their business information, and insurance compliance data. 

Franchisee List View includes: 

  • Search - you can use this to search center name, entity name, first name, last name etc… 
  • Center Name - this is the center name, territory name or number, depending on how you identify your franchisees
  • Entity Name - the registered business name the franchisees use to conduct business
  • Rikor Customer - this tells you if they are or are not a Rikor Customer
  • Policy Status - this is the entity level status for the required coverages or policies. To learn more about policy status check out this page  Franchisee Entity Policy Status and Compliance Status
  • Avg - this is their average compliance score